am i the only one that sees a pattern with Zone's content? With the content either being
1-revolving around a minor [specifically teens]
Or 2-rape....that's it, just rape.. Also it feels like she's glorifying or fetishizing sexual assault
Thankfully she does put warnings talking about the animation being explicit in nature, but still there's a problem.
The worst offender being the my life as a TEENAGE robot parody
For those who don't know....jenny/XJ9 is canonically 14 YEARS OLD, WHICH TECHNICALLY MAKES IT A DISTRIBUTION OF cartoon CHILD PORNOGRAPHY [it's not just a drawing/pixels on a screen, that's an excuse for pedo's to get away with committing a crime]
TRIGGER WARNING: grooming and past trauma from BalrogBean
I have been groomed to do erotic roleplay with balrogbean of said character, and he has shipped jenny with curly [an ADULT nsfw character by zendrinbot] he even went as far as blackmailing me with a nsfw picture of jenny about to be raped by the rock characters and threatened that they will do it if i didn't do an erotic roleplay of his choosing [i was a minor at the time 14 or 15 to be exact while he was 18 or 19] I met him on the my life as a teenage robot revival discord server
You're not the only one, the teenage robot thing is actually one of the first things of porn I ever saw and I was pretty young. (Like 7 to 9 or something like that) I liked it and watched it a lot, I think it screwed me up a bit
To be completely honest it screwed all of us up lol